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Workers' Compensation

Seattle Personal Injury Law

The Seattle workers' compensation lawyers at Scott & Scott, PLLC are dedicated to protecting the rights of injured workers. Regardless of fault, you have the right to compensation through your employer’s insurance company.

If you have suffered an injury on the job, you may be facing significant financial hardship. Between medical bills and lost wages from being unable to work, the financial burden from being injured at work can become unmanageable. Our Seattle workers’ compensation attorneys care about your recovery and have the experience and skills to recover the money you’ve lost while injured and unable to work. 


The purpose of Seattle workers’ compensation law is to ensure that vulnerable workers are protected when they’re injured and to lessen the amount of litigation related to workplace injuries, preserving the resources and time of both employers and their employees. Workers’ compensation may be paid out as compensation for medical expenses, partial or permanent disability, or death benefits. 


Brian and Rachel Scott have extensive experience in court and before the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals on behalf of injured workers. We have in-depth knowledge of the Industrial Insurance Act and regulations, and we have dealt with almost every conceivable injury, including brain injury and spinal cord injury.


Employers are precluded from retaliating against injured workers. If that happens to you, we can refer you to an employment attorney to help assist you. It’s important to remember that when you seek compensation in the form of workers’ compensation benefits, you are not taking on your employer. You are requesting benefits and payments under the state workers’ compensation fund or your employer’s self-insured carrier. Call us today to discuss your case and let us see how we can ease the burden during this difficult time. 

The state and self-insured employers are notorious for trying to limit your workers comp benefits.
Let us do the negotiating to maximize your compensation with minimal effort on your part.
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